100 Beautiful Names For Black Guinea Pigs

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If you’re looking for some amazing names for black guinea pigs, we’ve got you covered!

There aren’t many black cavies among the most popular guinea pig breeds.

So want to find something as unique as your sweet new furbaby!

Happily, we came up with 100 guinea pig names, split evenly for males and females!

Let’s get started!

Male Names for Black Guinea Pigs

  1. Ash – for a Guinea Pig whose color can be compared to a dark grey.
  2. Batman – no explanation needed, as Batman is the coolest!
  3. Black Keys – especially if your Guinea Pig likes to be loud!
  4. Blackberry – probably the best fruits!
  5. BlackJack – after the most popular game.
  6. Blackout – hoping you won’t encounter a lot of these though.
  7. Bolt – after the famous Black Bolt!
  8. Breaker – not literally, but it’s a pretty cool name!
  9. Bullet – is your Guinea Pig very fast?
  10. Carbon – after one of the best shades of black.
  11. Charcoal – also reminding you of the natural beauty.
  12. Coal – who knows, maybe you even got him for Christmas.
  13. Damien – the Greek name for the most powerful of all.
  14. Danger – probably one of the coolest names for a black Guinea Pig.
  15. Darth Vader – does it need an explanation?
  16. Diesel – after the black engine from the Thomas series.
  17. Electric – because he does make you feel incredible, right?
  18. Falcon – after the black predator!
  19. Flash – for the fastest Guinea Pig. You won’t even see him in the dark.
  20. Gothic – especially if the haircut matches!
  21. Graphite – did you know that Graphite Black is the most popular in electronics?
  22. Hunter – ok, they are not exactly hunters, but they can have cool names!
  23. Inky – if you want something very descriptive, then this is the perfect name!
  24. Jet – inspired after the amazing, black jet fighters.
  25. Knight – we all know that the black knights were some of the most powerful.
  26. Lightning – for the one that lights up your nights!
  27. Midnight – maybe he likes to be up at midnight.
  28. Night – because you won’t even notice him in the dark.
  29. Ninja – definitely the perfect name for a black and long haired guinea pig.
  30. Nocturne – after the famous League of Legends champion.
  31. Noir – in French, this name means “black.”
  32. Onyx – after Agent A’s new friend!
  33. Oreo – for a deliciously cute Guinea Pig.
  34. Panther – just imagine the look on your friend’s face when they find out Panther is a Guinea Pig!
  35. Pepper – a very cute, yet descriptive name for a Guinea Pig.
  36. Phantom – because in the night, you may only feel him.
  37. Racer – make sure he doesn’t escape though.
  38. Raven – after one of the smartest birds!
  39. Rebel – he is a little rebel, isn’t he?
  40. Renegade – just imagine him with a cute, little bandana!
  41. Sable – especially if you’d like to have one in your house!
  42. Shady – how do you know that your Guinea Pig doesn’t have a big secret?
  43. Slate – perfect if your Guinea Pig has some awesome reflections in his fur.
  44. Smokey – perfect for a black and grey Guinea Pig.
  45. Soldier – a great name, especially if you have more than one!
  46. Soot – after one of the blackest substances.
  47. Spy – for the Guinea Pig that watches you in the dark.
  48. Tank – did he come up into your life and took over your heart?
  49. Thunder – probably the toughest name for a black Guinea Pig.
  50. Twilight – the twilight is really beautiful, isn’t it?
If you're looking for some amazing names for black guinea pigs, we've got you covered! Check out 100 adorable ideas for males and females!

Black Guinea Pigs For Females

  1. Annie – perfect name for a gracious and black Guinea Pig.
  2. Arrow – for a black and very fast Guinea Pig.
  3. Ashley – for a black and grey Guinea Pig.
  4. Black Pearl – after some of the rarest jewels.
  5. Black Widow – one of the most famous Marvel heroes.
  6. Boots – especially if she has a cute pattern on her paws.
  7. Brownie – delicious and extremely cute!
  8. Coco – perfect name for a dark-colored Guinea Pig.
  9. Daisy – for a gentle and black Guinea Pig.
  10. Diamond – the black ones are super rare, too!
  11. Domino – a very popular name for black pets!
  12. Eclipse – and you’ll always be able to see an eclipse.
  13. Electra – one of the most popular Greek characters.
  14. Ellie – for the cutest goddess of the light.
  15. Elvira – just give her a black cape and you’re good to go!
  16. Galaxy – for the one who holds your heart!
  17. Greta – Greek name after a black pearl.
  18. Ink – no explanation needed. She’s black and very cute!
  19. Iris – especially if you think about a gracious black iris.
  20. Kit – from the Old Greek, meaning “follower.”
  21. Lady – because she is a lady!
  22. Leila – Hebrew name meaning “dark.”
  23. Licorice – is there anyone who doesn’t like licorice?
  24. Lollipop – especially if you think about a chocolate Tootsie pop!
  25. Luna – this means “moon” in Latin.
  26. Magic – think about the magic of the night!
  27. Morticia – after the famous Addams Family character.
  28. Nebula – this is one of the most impressive natural phenomena.
  29. Nightshade – for the Guinea Pig that likes to hide in the night!
  30. Noirette – after the French name meaning “black.”
  31. Nova – for the black Guinea Pig lighting up your days!
  32. Opal – did you know that black opals are some of the rarest?
  33. Panda – can you think of something cuter?
  34. Panther – for a fierce, but still cute Guinea Pig.
  35. Penny – for a black Guinea Pig who can achieve anything!
  36. Petal – especially if you think about the majestic black petals!
  37. Petunia – did you know black petunias exist?
  38. Salem – usually a place that can be associated with the color black.
  39. Shadow – great name for a black Guinea Pig.
  40. Shady Lady – this one says it all!
  41. Sky – especially if you think about the dark sky during a thunderstorm.
  42. Stormy – after the dark clouds during a thunderstorm.
  43. Sugar – because she is cute, and can also be dark-colored!
  44. Tiana – after the Disney princess!
  45. Trixie – English name for the “bringer of joy.”
  46. Voodoo – a scary name for a black Guinea Pig.
  47. Wednesday – after Morticia’s daughter from the Addams Family.
  48. Xena – after the famous Princess Warrior.
  49. Yasmin – the name of the most loved Disney Princess!
  50. Zara – Hebrew name for a “dark princess.”
If you're looking for some amazing names for black guinea pigs, we've got you covered! Check out 100 adorable ideas for males and females!

You can definitely choose one of these names, and be completely happy with your decision!

If you're looking for some amazing names for black guinea pigs, we've got you covered! Check out 100 adorable ideas for males and females!

What are your favorite names for black guinea pigs? Share below!

Andreea Juganaru
Andreea Juganaru

Andreea is a very passionate content creator and her purpose is to provide you with the most interesting articles, while constantly discovering new facts. She’s been freelance writing for the past five years and has created numerous articles and educational materials while managing her own mom blog.
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