Can Chickens Eat Spinach? (Health Benefits & Feeding Tips)

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For chicken owners who enjoy spinach as a healthy snack for its health benefits, you might be wondering: can chickens eat spinach? Yes, chickens can eat spinach! 

Spinach is a healthy treat packed with essential nutrients and contributes to a healthy diet as part of human foods, so let’s see if it can make a good snack for chickens: 

  • Spinach provides dietary fibers, vitamins, and other minerals like iron and calcium. 
  • These substances aid in healthy growth, feathering, digestive issues, egg laying, etc. 
  • However, feed spinach in moderation to prevent the negative effects of oxalic acid.

In this article, I will guide you through the health benefits offered by the nutrients in spinach, how much spinach to feed chickens, how to feed it, and more! 

3 Health Benefits Of Spinach for Chickens

Some essential vitamins in spinach are vitamins A, C, E, and K. It also includes fiber, iron, and manganese. 

Apart from being an excellent source of protein, it also contains other trace amounts of valuable substances such as Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B9, all of which contribute to the health of chicken in many ways. 

spinach for chickens, but can chickens eat spinach

Let’s delve into the details of why these nutrients are beneficial and why can chickens eat spinach indeed! 

1. Spinach Aids In Digestion 

Before we think about the key nutrients present in spinach, just the green leaves of spinach when added to a daily diet, can keep chickens healthy because it’s an incredible source of fiber. 

Fiber is a necessary part of a balanced diet, helps with normal bowel movement, and prevents constipation. Chickens that are fed spinach and other vegetables high in fiber are less likely to develop any digestive issues and deal with stomach acid. 

2. Helps Create Hemoglobin

Spinach is an excellent, indirect source of this protein. Iron helps create hemoglobin. This is essential for the body since it helps bring oxygen to its tissues.

Spinach is a protein and iron-rich food that contributes to protein production in the chicken’s body.

3. Promotes Skin Health And Immune Function

Spinach is high in vitamin C. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that helps keep the chicken’s skin and feathers healthy. Vitamin C also keeps the immune system functioning at its best.

Let’s take a detailed look at how other vitamins found in spinach can help a chicken’s growth.

CHECK: Can Chickens Have Coconut Oil?

The Role Of Nutrients 

I’ve listed down some daily nutrients for you to better gauge how they can help chickens.

Just remember, although spinach is an excellent source of nutrition and a tasty treat, the effect of spinach on our feathered friends might be different. 

The Vitamins

As I mentioned above, spinach is packed to the brim with vitamins. 

These vitamins play an important part in chicken growth. For instance, Vitamin A is crucial for cell growth. 

Epithelial cells, their repair, and reproduction are contingent on this vitamin. It’s also necessary for skin maintenance. (1)

Healthy feather health is aided by Vitamin B1, whereas healthy egg production is aided by Vitamin B9 and Vitamin B2. 

Did you know that a deficiency in Vitamin B2 leads to a difficult egg-laying process and a significant reduction in eggs and dead baby chicks, and reduced metabolism? 

You can increase your chicken’s metabolism and absorption of nutrients like glucose with spinach because of Vitamin B1, which also prevents the loss of wings, muscle paralysis, and other feather issues. 

Egg production also depends on Vitamin B9, more commonly referred to as folic acid. 

Spinach can also protect your chicken flock from disease because Vitamin E is responsible for rapid recovery from illnesses and functions as an antioxidant. 

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Other Nutrients In Spinach

Here are some more substances and their role in keeping chickens healthy: 

Iron: Spinach is an iron-rich food that contributes to healthy blood by preventing anemia.

Calcium: you must supply calcium because poultry birds, especially egg-laying chickens, need specific amounts of calcium in their diet. 

Calcium deficiency in chickens means decreased egg production, a weak immune system, and brittle bones. (2)

Niacin: a deficiency in niacin will cause inflammatory problems in the mouth and weaken the legs. 

Here’s a helpful video about feeding backyard chickens: 

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Spinach?

Yes, chickens can eat frozen spinach. You can feed the spinach to them frozen or thaw it first.

If it’s a hot day, frozen spinach will be a great treat to give to them. Depending on how you freeze it, it can also make for a source of hydration. 

frozen spinach, but can chickens eat spinach

Simply place a couple of frozen spinach on their feeder, and the chickens will start pecking away at it.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Spinach?

Chickens can eat cooked spinach; however, if you have leftovers that include other foods, it’s best to remove them. 

Sometimes, food may contain ingredients such as avocado peels, citrus fruits, dry beans, eggplant leaves, onions, etc. 

All of these foods pose certain dangers to chickens. (3)

Expand your knowledge about what’s on the menu for chickens and find out if walnuts make the cut in our article ‘Can Chickens Eat Walnuts‘!

How To Feed Spinach To Chickens?

Here are some easy ways to feed spinach to your chickens.

  • Chopping the spinach into fine pieces. This will make it easier for the chickens to eat them. 
  • You can scatter a handful of chopped spinach into their feeder or where you keep your backyard chickens. 
  • If you have frozen spinach, add them to the feeders, and the chickens will peck it.

However, ensure you’ve thoroughly washed the chicken and that it is devoid of pesticides or insecticides. Only then is it okay to feed them raw spinach?

How Much And How Often To Feed Spinach To Chickens?

Although spinach is one of the food sources that provide a plethora of key nutrients for chickens, you will want to feed these leafy greens in moderation.

spinach for chickens, but can chickens eat spinach

Spinach contains oxalic acid, which may deter calcium absorption and lead to eggs with soft shells due to low calcium deposits. 

This makes the eggs prone to breaking easily, in addition to causing difficulties in the egg-laying process. 

Besides calcium deposits in the shell, calcium absorption is necessary to aid the chickens through egg-laying contractions.

Another reason to feed them spinach in moderation is to ensure they eat more of their staple diet of chicken feed or commercial feed, which is meant to be the primary source of nutrition. 

READ MORE: Can Chickens Have Iceberg Lettuce?


Which greens should chickens avoid?

Chickens cannot eat onions, green potato skins or potato leaves, rhubarb, tomato plants, or leaves. 

Can chickens eat banana peels?

There’s no harm in giving the occasional banana peel to your chickens. They’re omnivores and stomach them.


Can chickens eat spinach? Yes, in moderation, because of the excellent nutrients that contribute to growth, health, maintenance, and exceptional protein content. 

Try not to feed them spinach in larger amounts, and you’re good to go! 

can chickens eat spinach

So, do you feed spinach to your chickens? Don’t forget to let me know whether they like it or not!


  • 1. Gennetta AN. The ULTIMATE list of what chickens CAN and CANNOT eat [Internet]. Heritage Acres Market LLC. 2020 [cited 2022 Dec 3]. Available from:
  • 2. Lehr A. Hens Need Calcium – Here’s How to Make Sure They Get Enough | Grubbly [Internet]. 2021. Available from:
  • 3. Vitamins and Minerals Important to Poultry [Internet]. Available from:
Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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