Can Chickens Eat Lizards? Is it Healthy? (Feeding Guide)

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So, what’s been keeping you up all night is the question, Can chickens eat lizards?

The answer might surprise you: Chickens are omnivores, which means they eat plant species and animal matter.

And because lizards ― although slimy ― are venomless, chickens will eat this safe and delicate meal option if you let them.

So if you’re keen to learn about the ins and outs of feeding lizards to your chicken, keep scrolling…

Key Takeaways

  • Feed lizards to your chickens, and they’ll eat it.
  • Lizards can pack a nutritious meal for your chickens free from poison.
  • Common types of lizards are skinks, green anoles, and geckos.

Is It Healthy For Chickens To Eat Lizards?

On their thousand-year quest for delicious meals, humans have hunted for sailing targets and found lizards. 

Could you have believed lizards are protein-rich and nutritious? Tell that to the cave dwellers who often swore by their sailing treats [1].

lizard on a ground but can chicken eat lizard

Chickens join the club of lizard hunters: they, too, will eat lizards and can benefit a lot from eating them.

To shower you with all these shiny benefits for you, I’ve listed some of them here:

1. Energy Source

Chickens that eat lizards will get energy from eating them. Like any other meat, lizard meat holds lots of energy.

The chickens will get 50 kcal of energy in every ounce of lizard meat.

2. Protein Source

Protein is vital to the overall health of the chickens. It helps build and repair tissues, regulate blood flow, and keep the skin healthy.

You know what else? Protein is an essential amino acid your chicken needs to function correctly [2].

3. Maintain Digestive Health

Chickens that eat lizards will benefit from a healthy digestive system. The amino acids, and proteins, help protect their stomach lining.

Also, the lizards will help maintain regular bowel movements.

Find out if chickens can add noodles to their diet in our informative article ‘Can Chickens Eat Noodles‘!

What Kinds of Lizards Do Chickens Eat?

Honestly, I know figuring out can chickens eat lizards is puzzling. But, before I finish answering you, let me tell you this:

Lizards come in various shapes, sizes, and tastes and are said to have great genetic diversity.

different lizards on tree but can chickens eat lizards

For optimal lizard hunting, you can scout for lizards in the lower part of the world, where the climate is warmer.

Why are they found here? These creatures are cold-blooded and need the sun to regulate their body temperature.

So, if you’re lucky to live in the southern parts of the U.S., some of the lizards you may find naturally in your backyard are:

  • Skinks
  • Green Anoles
  • Geckos

These are small lizards that the chickens may encounter when outdoors. Better yet, they are safe for chickens and aren’t venomous.

So you can sleep at night knowing that your chicken won’t get poisoned by these types. 

What’s more, chickens eat almost everything and will chase these sailing treats until they get them ― so don’t worry about chasing them yourself!

Are you wondering whether frozen spinach is a suitable food for your chickens? Our article “Can Chickens Eat Frozen Spinach?” has got you covered with all the essential information you need to know!

How To Feed Lizards To Chickens?

Lizards are generally not bought as a feeder for chickens. You can spend too much on them, especially if you have a large flock.

Luckily, you don’t need to worry too much about catching those rebellious lizards.

Although they won’t quickly enter a chicken coop, they will collect and fill a part in some exciting sights ― your wall, your couch, or even on your favorite porch!

If you allow the chickens to roam freely around the yard, they will likely chase and catch these lizards themselves.

chicken is finding insects to eat but can chickens eat lizards

A disclaimer: don’t expect these lizards to be slow. They may give your chickens a hard time catching them!

Uncover the benefits and risks of feeding coconut oil to chickens in our must-read article ‘Can Chickens Eat Coconut Oil!


Can my chicken eat all lizards?

No. I wouldn’t recommend this.
Some lizards, like the iguana and monitor lizard found in Florida, can be giant and aggressive.
With these kinds, your chickens may end up at the bottom of the food chain. So beware!

Can chickens eat lizard eggs?

lizards eggs on ground but can chickens eat lizards egg

Yes, they can.
The egg’s yolk contains lots of protein, including vitamins and various minerals, that can be a salivating meal for your chickens [3].


Can chickens eat lizards? You bet!

Whether your chickens are domestic chickens or wild chickens, they can benefit from the nutritious value of lizards.

But watch out for the carnivorous lizards ― they aren’t prey animals like their smaller cousins, but they are scary and may attack!

The smaller ones will make your chicken’s heart skip a beat and can be an attractive, nourishing meal option:

First, thanks to the food chain and their size, lizards ― unless carnivorous ― are no match for your chicken.

Second, your chickens can eat a great variety without side effects. What’s not to like!?

They are a tasty snack and pose a fantastic salsa, a chicken feed, or the main course. 

So for those mouthwatering meals and taste bud tickling, go ahead and sprinkle in those lizards ― It might be a formidable treat, if not a long-awaited juicy secret!

chickens waving at lizards but can chickens eat lizards

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  • 1. Raman R. Can You Eat Lizards? [Internet]. Healthline. 2021. Available from:
  • 2. Amino Acid: Benefits & Food Sources [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. Available from:
  • 3. Thompson MB, Speake BK. Energy and nutrient utilisation by embryonic reptiles. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 2002;133:529–38.
Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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