Do Bearded Dragons Make Noise? (11 Sounds They Make)

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Do bearded dragons make noise?

As a novice reptile owner, I was surprised to learn that bearded lizards don’t make noise because they lack vocal cords.

Still, you can hear plenty of unusual noises from your bearded dragon tank, some of which can signal health issues.

So, keep reading to learn all these common noises.

Quick Summary

  • Bearded dragons don’t use sounds or noises to communicate with other reptiles or humans.
  • Most weird noises your bearded dragon makes are related to breathing problems or are a sign of aggression.
  • Always consult your vet about weird bearded lizard noises to rule out infections and other common dragon diseases. 

Do Bearded Dragons Make Noise?

fancy bearded dragon

Beardies can’t make the same loud noises cats or dogs use to communicate their needs and wants. As I already said, they lack vocal cords which limit their ability to produce sounds.

As the vet, Adam Denish, says, “Unlike domesticated dogs and cats, reptiles have retained their primitive characteristics.” (1)

Since beardies come from the harsh desert where even the slightest sound travels a long distance, it makes sense to stay as quiet as possible.

So, instead of talking, bearded lizards use body language to communicate with other animals and fellow reptiles. For example, a head bob is how beardies show dominance or try to attract mates.

Bearded lizards also rely on body color to send a message. For example, darker beards are a sign your pet feels threatened and is trying to scare an intruder. 

Moreover, bearded dragons aren’t the most friendly creatures. In the wild, they gather only in places with food or a good basking spot. So, they don’t need a big “vocabulary.”

But occasionally, you can hear your bearded dragon hiss, croak, or huff. And what do these sounds mean? Let’s find out!

READ MORE: Where Do Bearded Dragons Like to Be Pet?

11 Sounds Bearded Dragon Make

Before you panic, let me reassure you. It’s normal not to hear any sounds from your beardie’s enclosure. It doesn’t mean that your pet is sick or in danger.

You’ll need to spend a lot of time with your pet reptile before you hear your beardie making any noise. 

#1 Hissing

Hissing is one of the most common sounds bearded dragons make. Usually, hissing is in response to a threat in the environment and a sign that your pet reptile is scared, anxious, or frustrated.

Hissing can also be a warning before your bearded lizard bites you or another animal encroaching on its territory.

We have a separate about “Can Bearded Dragons Bite?” Check it out too!

You shouldn’t pick your beardie when it’s hissing, especially if its beard gets dark or you notice other signs of aggressive behavior. Give your lizard time to get used to your presence before you handle them.

Check this video to hear what a hissing bearded lizard sounds like. 

#2 Chirping Noises

Chirping is a weird noise for a bearded dragon, and it’s nothing like a bird or a cat chirp. It’s something like a click. Some owners think it shows happiness but can also be a sign of respiratory infection. 

Moreover, the chirping sound may not be coming from your lizards. Crickets can be loud, especially at night so you may be hearing them. 

Check this video to hear a chirping beardie.

#3 Burping Noises

It’s normal for some bearded dragons to burp after eating. It’s a natural reflex to relieve excess gas in the gut. But frequent burping can indicate a problem and can lead to breathing problems.

So, if your beardie is burping and struggling to breathe, contact a reptile vet as soon as possible. 

#4 Rasping Noises

Usually, bearded dragons make rasping noises when they’re sick. It can be an upper respiratory infection, intestinal parasites, or yellow fungus disease. 

Your bearded dragons need a balanced diet to keep their immune systems strong and prevent common diseases. 

ALSO CHECK: Bearded Dragon Waving Meaning

#5 Clicking Noises

Clicking is related to respiratory infections. They’re very common in bearded dragons when you keep them in dirty cages or don’t maintain a suitable humidity level. 

Other signs of respiratory infections include sneezing, coughing, noisy breathing, lethargy, poor appetite, and changes in behavior. 

But clicking can also mean that your dragon is snapping its jaws hard when eating or its teeth are crashing against each other.

As vets from VCA recommend, “Be sure to have any health issues your bearded dragon exhibits checked immediately by your veterinarian to avoid serious illness.” (2)

#6 Huffing

Huffing is the result of inhaling and exhaling quickly. Usually, beardies huff and puff when they’re trying to scare someone – another animal or its human owner. 

It’s easy to mistake huffing for coughing, so you should take your pet lizard to the vet if it huffs often. And don’t bother your beardie when it’s huffing – you may get bitten. 

#7 Squeaking Noises

If you hear squeaking, your bearded dragon’s claws are likely scratching against a surface, usually tiles. Squeaking from the mouth can indicate a respiratory infection or lung problems. 

CHECK: What Does it Mean When a Bearded Dragon Opens its Mouth at You?

#8 Wheezing

It’s not normal for bearded dragons to make wheezing noises. If you hear wheezing, your bearded lizard has a respiratory infection or another disease that affects its breathing. 

#9 Purring

Beardies don’t purr, even when they’re happy. Any purring-like sounds you hear when holding your pet indicate nose or breathing problems. 

#10 Croaking Noises

Croaking isn’t a normal sound to hear from your bearded lizard. It usually indicates a breathing problem – infection or lung disease. 

#11 Chocking/Gagging/Coughing

Sometimes food gets stuck in your bearded dragon’s throat, which results in choking, coughing, or gagging sounds. But they can also be a sign of underlying disease. 

Read more fun facts about bearded dragons.


1. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Making a Noise?

bearded dragon mites are hosted it

If your bearded lizard makes weird noises, it can be due to a respiratory infection. Bearded dragons also hiss and puff when they’re stressed and feel threatened. 

2. Are Bearded Dragons’ Loud Noises OK?

Loud sounds can indicate that your bearded lizard has a respiratory infection and is struggling to breathe properly.

3. Is It Normal to Hear Your Bearded Dragon Breathe?

Noisy breathing is a sign that your bearded lizard has a respiratory infection. But some lizards also breathe noisily when they’re stressed.


Do bearded dragons make noise? It’s rare to hear any sounds from your bearded dragon aside from hissing or huffing. 

Any weird sounds show something is wrong with your reptile pet, and you should talk to your vet as soon as possible.

cute young beardie with an open mouth

What do you think about this topic? Does your bearded dragon make noise? Share your experience in the comment section. 


1. Can Your Reptile Bond with You? [Internet]. Available from:

2. Axelson R. Bearded Dragons – Diseases [Internet]. vca_corporate. 2009. Available from:


Grigorina grew up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped her into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). She has two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but she also feeds her neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them. Follow her on FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM
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