Can Rabbits Eat Jicama? (Health Benefits & Feeding Tips)

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So, you’ve toiled at the question, “can rabbits eat jicama?” and burned to know the truth:

Jicama, known for its sweet white flesh, is a root vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked and has various nutritional benefits.

Incidentally, if you have a rabbit at home, you may be more concerned about feeding it jicama (and for a good reason!).

So yes, rabbits can eat jicama, but ONLY feed them the flesh ― The rest of the vegetable contains rotenone, a poison that can kill your bunny. 

But there’s more to learn ―warts and all ― about the risks and benefits of jicama (scroll if you dare!)…

Key Takeaways:

  • You may feed jicama to your bunnies ― but only the fleshy part.
  • DO NOT feed jicama to babies under 12 weeks old.
  • You may feed jicamas a nutritious diet to round off their diet or as part of their routine meal plan.

Is It Safe For Rabbits To Eat Jicama?

Jicama has a lot of goodies to offer, but sadly, this vegetable can wreak a bit of havoc: it contains the nasty poison rotenone

If you choose to feed this plant to your bunny, first cut away the toxic parts (more on this later), and don’t let your bunny eat the plant whole.

Jicama for rabbits but can rabbits eat jicama

The nasty poison is found in 3 parts: the skin, leaves, and stems.

Thankfully, in the world of jicama, everything is not all bad. There’s hope.

Strip the poison apples ― skin, leaves, and stems ― and what do you get? If you answered the flesh, you are right on the money.

This part is the only part of the vegetable your bunny can eat. So rabbit owners, feel free to add it to their diet.

Health Benefits of Jicama for Rabbits

With all this glamour talk about “can rabbits eat jicama”, you can’t exactly leave out the good stuff, right? You bet!

Jicama is a nutritious vegetable, close to what some call a superfood:

It’s a vegetable low in calories, sugar, and fat yet high in fiber and vitamins (such as vitamin C and vitamin b6), making it an excellent choice to feed as a meal or occasional treat.

Let’s quickly discuss some fun stuff you see at the back of your Snickers bar. You know, that long list. It’s called a nutrition index, and I will discuss it in the next New York minute…

One cup (130 grams) contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories:49
  • Carbs:12 grams
  • Protein:1 gram
  • Fat:0.1 gram
  • Fiber:6.4 grams
  • Vitamin C:44% of the RDI
  • Folate:4% of the RDI
  • Iron:4% of the RDI
  • Magnesium:4% of the RDI
  • Potassium:6% of the RDI
  • Manganese:4% of the RDI

The above data is from NutritionData [1]

Below are some of the health benefits of feeding jicama to your rabbits:

1. Help Prevent Cell Damage

An exotic vegetable, Jicama is high in antioxidants making it part of a healthy diet you can feed your rabbits.

Antioxidants are essential to the bunny’s health as they prevent and protect their cells from the damage caused by free radicals.

So, “what’s up with free radicals?” you may ask.

Free radicals are the dietary hobgoblins you need to be wary of ― molecules created naturally when the body processes food.

Apart from the body, exposure to cigarette smoke and radiation can also cause free radicals.

So yup, it’s true what slow Joe at your street’s corner told you as a little kid: smoking is bad! But he didn’t exactly tell you anything about the free radicals, did he?

Now for the good stuff: feeding your bunnies plenty of munchies (with lots of nutrients), especially those rich in antioxidants like jicama, will help them stay happy with better cellular health.

2. Promote Digestion

Jicama is high in fiber content. Do you know what this means? You got it: better digestion.

Bad digestion is the root of all evil and can disrupt your day. Think about what it could do to your bunnies!

Fiber helps promote regular bowel movement, making food move through the digestive tract smoothly without issues.

What’s more, fiber helps prevent constipation in rabbits. So give your bunny high fiber rabbit food like jicama to lessen problems such as constipation and other digestion problems.

3. Help Prevent Illness

That vitamin C might do wonders for your cold and even heal you from those pesky cold winter sicknesses is no myth. 

Lucky for you, Jicama is an excellent source of vitamin C to strengthen and protect your bunny’s immune system.

During winter, feeding them plenty of food high in vitamin C will lessen their chance of falling ill and keep them protected from this corrupted gang of free radicals [2].

If the rabbits do become sick, vitamin C will help them recover to good health quickly.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Jicama?

“Hold on, what about the babies” you may ask. Glad you’ve asked this because I need to warn you:

Do not feed jicama to babies under 12 weeks old. Their digestive system has not matured yet, and this veggie has the potential to give them digestive issues.

Instead, they should depend on alfalfa hay and mother’s milk.

Once they are 12 weeks old, you can introduce jicama and other vegetables to their diet.

Start by giving them just a tiny piece of jicama as a test to gauge if they appear allergic or react badly to it.

If they have an allergic reaction, stop immediately. On the other hand, if the bunnies don’t have any adverse reactions and seem to enjoy eating, feel free to continue feeding them.

How To Feed Jicama To Rabbits?

To feed jicama to the rabbits, you’ll need to prepare it correctly first. Failing to do so could be fatal.

Jicama slices for rabbits but can rabbits eat jicama

Before you continue, follow the instructions below on how to prepare and feed their treat:

  • Use a sharp knife to peel the skin of the jicama.
  • Cut the jicama into smaller pieces. Make sure there is no skin attached to the flesh of the vegetable.
  • Place a couple of jicama slices into their feeding bowl or mix it with other food.

There you have it: a short and sweet guide to feeding jicama to your rabbit. 

Don’t forget to check our guide on what fruit and veg can rabbits eat, so you would be multiple choices from both vegs and fruits to feed your bunnies.


Can Rabbits Eat Jicama Leaves and Skins?

Jicama leaves for rabbits but can rabbits eat jicama leaves

No! Do not feed your rabbit the leaves and skin of the jicama plant!
These parts of the vegetable contain a toxin known as rotenone. If your rabbit ingests this part, it can develop serious health issues and even die.

How Much Jicama To Feed Rabbits?

You can feed your bunny, but only in moderation: a few small pieces of jicama once or twice weekly.
Any more could be too much for them to handle!


Answering “can rabbits eat jicama” was not so bad, was it? You probably learned quite a lot!

Jicama is one of the good treats for bunnies but also provides them with a diet with lots of nutrition, packing healthy treats they will enjoy.

Meanwhile, due to jicama’s high water content and potent health risks, you should only feed it to your bunny in moderation.

Now I know what you think: “But it’s the end”… Not quite. I promise I will bring out more.

So go ahead and dazzle me with your thoughtful and delightful comments. I’d love to hear from you. 

Until next time…

rabbits waving at jicama but can rabbits eat jicama

So, are you going to feed jicama to your bunny? Don’t forget to share your experience with us in the comments section!


  • 1. Yambean (jicama), raw Nutrition Facts & Calories [Internet]. Available from:
  • 2. Mayo Clinic Staff. Vitamin C [Internet]. Mayo Clinic. 2020. Available from:
Andreea Juganaru
Andreea Juganaru

Andreea is a very passionate content creator and her purpose is to provide you with the most interesting articles, while constantly discovering new facts. She’s been freelance writing for the past five years and has created numerous articles and educational materials while managing her own mom blog.
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