Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkins? [Is This Veggie Safe For Them?]

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Looking for a healthy treat for your furry friend and asking yourself, “can hamsters eat pumpkins?”

Yes, hamsters can eat pumpkins and pumpkin seeds as occasional treats in small pieces.

My hamster loves pumpkins, and now it is part of his regular diet plan. Learn how to safely feed your hamsters with pumpkins and what are the health benefits of this fruit.

Key Takeaways

  • Give small portions of pumpkin to your hamster.
  • Pumpkins help in a balanced diet for hamsters and maintain dental health.
  • Pumpkin seeds and leaves also are safe foods for hamsters.

Is It Safe for Hamsters To Eat Pumpkins?

Pumpkins are safe for hamsters to eat if you do not feed them human-sized portions. Pumpkins are not on the essential list of hamster food, so it is best not to give them too much pumpkin at one time.

pumpkins for hamsters but can hamsters eat pumpkins

Give them about 2 tablespoons per day because they are high in oxalic acid, which can cause kidney failure in your pet if consumed in large amounts over a long period.

Benefits of Pumpkins for Hamsters

Pumpkins are an excellent food for hamsters because they are high in fiber and carbohydrates. The pumpkin seeds provide protein, which is good for hamsters because they don’t get much from other sources.

Pumpkins also provide vitamin C, which helps keep your hamster healthy by fighting infections and illnesses. Here are pumpkins’ benefits for hamsters.

1. Pumpkins Help Keep the Digestive Tract Healthy

Pumpkins are high in water and fiber content. So they act as antioxidants for hamsters and help flush out toxins from their body.

This helps prevent constipation and diarrhea, which hamsters often get if they’re not eating enough fiber-rich foods like pumpkins.

2. Pumpkins Help Keep the Teeth Strong

Pumpkins have natural sugars that help strengthen tooth enamel and keep teeth clean by regularly scraping away plaque buildup on them.

This also ensures there aren’t any cavities in the teeth since cavities form when bacteria from food build up on teeth over time because of poor oral hygiene habits (which hamsters rarely have).

3. Pumpkins Help Lower Cholesterol Levels in Hamsters

Pumpkins contain beneficial nutrients, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. They help reduce cholesterol levels in humans and other animals, including hamsters. (1)

Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Leaves?

Yes, they can! Pumpkin leaves can be given to your hamster as a treat or as part of their regular diet. Hamsters love the soft texture and taste of pumpkin leaves.

pumpkins leaves for hamsters but can hamsters eat pumpkins

They also contain many vitamins, minerals, and vital nutrients that are good for your hamster’s digestive health.

You can give them one or two leaves per day, depending on the size of your pet and how much food they eat each day.

Can Baby Hamsters Eat Pumpkins?

Baby hamsters can eat pumpkins, but you should not feed pumpkins to them too often. Pumpkins are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins A and C but are not very nutritious otherwise. (2)

Pumpkins are also high in sugar. The high amounts of sugar can cause diarrhea if eaten too much or too often.

If you want to give your baby hamsters pumpkins, use them as an occasional treat rather than feeding them pumpkins every day.

The best way to serve pumpkin to baby hamsters is by cutting it into small pieces (about the size of pebbles) and freezing them first.

Frozen treats are more accessible for baby hamsters to eat than whole or fresh pumpkins.

How To Feed Pumpkins to Hamsters?

Hamsters are omnivorous, which means they eat both plants and animals.

Pumpkins are not poisonous to hamsters but have a strong flavor. This means you’ll need to ensure that your hamster likes pumpkin before you feed them too much of it.

The easiest way to do this is by mixing some pumpkin with their regular food.

If they eat it all up, then you know they like the new taste, and you can try mixing in a little more next time. If they don’t eat it, try adding another food to the mix until he eats it.

READ MORE: Can Hamster Eat Cantaloupe?

How Often Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkins?

Hamsters love eating pumpkins, which is a great way to keep them occupied and entertained.

You can give your hamster pumpkin as a treat or sometimes use it as a substitute for the food you usually feed him.

You should only give your hamster pumpkin for one meal per week, though, because it’s high in sugar and carbohydrates.

If you feed your hamsters too much pumpkin, they could get diabetes and have trouble digesting their food.

It’s also important to note that pumpkins are not nutritionally complete foods on their own, so they won’t be able to provide all the nutrients for a healthy hamster diet.

Also Read: Can Hamsters Have Broccoli?


Can hamsters eat pumpkin pie?

pumpkin pie for hamsters but can hamsters eat pumpkins

Yes, hamsters can eat pumpkin pie in moderation. Pumpkin pies have excess sugar and low nutritional value, which could make your hamster obese if they eat them too much.

Can you give a hamster vegetables?

Yes, you can give your hamster vegetables. Hamsters eat cucumbers, broccoli, and carrots, as it’s are excellent choices for hamsters.


As a hamster owner, asking questions like “can hamsters eat pumpkins?” is natural because you care about their body health.

You can feed them this delicious treat in moderation to avoid health issues. Share what other fruits you feed your hamsters in the comments!

hamster waving at pumpkin pumpkin but can hamsters eat pumpkins

So, did you ever feed pumpkins to your hamster? Let us know in the comments section!


  • 1. Yadav M, Jain S, Tomar R, Prasad GBKS, Yadav H. Medicinal and biological potential of pumpkin: an updated review. Nutrition Research Reviews. 2010;23:184–90.
  • 2. Chu EW, Malmgren RA. An Inhibitory Effect of Vitamin A on the Induction of Tumors of Forestomach and Cervix in the Syrian Hamster by Carcinogenic Polycyclic Hydrocarbons. Cancer Research [Internet]. American Association for Cancer Research; 1965 [cited 2022 Oct 22];25:884–95. Available from:
Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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