Are There Really Worms in Dogs That Come Out at Night?

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Ever heard the disturbing tale of worms emerging from your canine companion at night? Or maybe you’ve seen a dreaded worm, raising countless questions and concerns.

Parasites in pets, particularly dogs, certainly spark much curiosity and a fair share of myths among dog owners.

So grab your cup of Joe and scroll down to delve into our comprehensive guide to demystify the wormy world of dogs, offering invaluable insights into prevention, detection, and treatment, ensuring your furry friend stays healthy and parasite-free.

Myth vs. Reality: Do Worms Come Out of Dogs at Night?

The thought of worms creeping out of your canine at night paints a macabre image. In reality, it’s not a frequent nightly horror show. Some worms, especially tapeworms, might make a rare appearance after dusk.

While the question ‘do worms crawl out of dogs at night’ might cause a shiver down your spine, it’s essential to differentiate between occasional incidents and dramatic myths. Knowing the difference ensures our peace of mind and our pet’s well-being. The real issue? Understanding what causes it.

What Causes Worms in Dogs?

An adorable dog sitting in its bed

Our furry companions lead active lives, sniffing, digging, and sometimes munching on things they shouldn’t. This makes them susceptible to a few unwanted internal guests. Worms in dogs primarily come from:

  • Environmental Exposure: Dogs are naturally curious, often playing in areas where they can come into contact with infected feces. Soil contaminated with such feces is a prime source of worm eggs or larvae, which dogs might accidentally ingest.
  • Dietary Sources: Some dogs have a knack for hunting or scavenging. Consuming infected prey, be it birds, rodents, or other small animals, can directly introduce parasites into a dog’s system.
  • Pesky Fleas: Fleas are more than just itchy annoyances. Many carry tapeworm eggs. When dogs groom themselves, they might ingest these fleas, leading to a tapeworm infestation.
  • Mother-to-Puppy Transmission: Transmission doesn’t always come from the environment or diet. An infected mother can pass certain worms to her puppies during nursing or even birth.

Signs And Symptoms That a Dog May Have Internal Parasites

As expressive as they are, dogs can’t tell us when they’re feeling “wormy.” However, they sure show signs. Some common indicators include:

  • Scooting: If Fido’s doing the bum-slide boogie more often, it might be worms.
  • Visible Worms: Perhaps the most obvious – finding worms in their feces or near the anus.
  • Weight Changes: Mysteriously losing weight, even with a voracious appetite? Parasites could be the culprits.
  • Vomiting & Diarrhea: An upset tummy can sometimes be due to these pesky invaders.
  • Dull Coat: Instead of that shiny, lustrous coat, it appears dull and lackluster.
  • Low Energy: If the usual playful pup seems lethargic, it’s a cause for concern.

In a nutshell, keeping an eagle eye on your dog’s behavior and appearance is crucial. Recognizing these signs early can lead to timely treatment.

Is It Normal for Worms to Come Out of a Dog’s Anus at Night?

worms coming out of dog anus at night is undeniably unsettling. While certain worms, like tapeworms, might occasionally appear after your dog rests, it’s not a typical nightly event. Such sightings are red flags, indicating an active worm infestation that requires prompt attention.

Types of Worms that Affect Dogs

Dogs, ever curious and adventurous, are unfortunately prone to various internal parasitic guests. Understanding these invaders is essential for ensuring your pup’s health and well-being.

Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina)

Often resembling spaghetti, these worms are particularly common in puppies. They can cause stomach swelling and respiratory problems, making early detection crucial.

Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia species)

Recognizable as tiny, rice-like segments near a dog’s tail or in their feces, tapeworms are generally contracted from fleas or consuming infected prey.

Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala)

These are silent attackers. Tiny yet voracious, they attach to the intestines, sucking blood and potentially causing anemia and weight loss.

Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis)

These worms make the large intestine their home, often leading to bloody diarrhea. They’re sneakier, making detection a tad challenging.

Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis)

Possibly the most menacing of all, heartworms target the heart and lungs. Transmitted via mosquito bites, they can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Can Dogs Transmit Worms by Sleeping in Your Bed?

Sharing a bed with your furry friend is cozy, but could it also be a bit wormy? The chance of direct transmission of worms from dogs to humans through bedtime snuggles is relatively low.

However, indirect transmission, like through contaminated bedding or transferring fleas that carry tapeworm eggs, is plausible. While the risk is minimal, ensuring your dog is regularly dewormed and free from fleas is essential.

With proper preventive measures, bedtime can remain a warm and wiggle-free zone!

Treatment and Prevention of Worms in Dogs

A vet holding a dog

Ensuring our furry friends stay worm-free is paramount for their health and happiness. If you suspect your dog has worms, consulting a vet is essential. They’ll recommend:

  • Deworming Medications: Tailored to the specific worm type, these drugs efficiently rid pups of pesky parasites.
  • Regular Check-ups: Routine vet visits will catch any infestations early, ensuring prompt treatment.

As they say, prevention is better than cure:

  • Regular Deworming: Vets often advise a deworming schedule, especially for more susceptible puppies.
  • Hygienic Environment: Clean living spaces and regular poop pick-ups minimize the risk.
  • Flea Control: Given fleas can transmit certain worms, keeping them at bay is crucial.

Ultimately, proactive care, combined with keen observation, ensures your canine remains both warm and worry-free.


So, as the night creeps in and your pup snoozes, you now know the facts from the myths about those pesky worms. Yes, they can be a concern. But with knowledge, vigilance, and regular vet visits, your dog can be worm-free and just as snuggly as ever. Sleep tight, and let the bedbugs (not the worms) bite!


Can humans get worms from dogs?

Certain worms, like roundworms and hookworms, can be transmitted from dogs to humans, especially if proper hygiene isn’t maintained.

How often should I deworm my adult dog?

Ideally, adult dogs should be dewormed every 3 to 6 months, but consult your vet for a tailored schedule based on your dog’s specific needs.

Why do worms crawl out of dogs at night?

Worms crawling out of dogs at night can happen due to the life cycle of parasites like tapeworms. These parasites occasionally release segments containing eggs, which may exit the dog’s anus. If you notice this, consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment to protect your dog’s health.

Can over-the-counter worm medications work?

Some can be effective, but it’s always best to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and recommendations.

Are worms coming out of dog anus dangerous?

Yes, worms coming out of dog anus can indeed be harmful. This is a clear sign of a parasitic infection, which, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems for them.


Hi, I’m Tamsin. I’m a serious animal lover and dog behaviorist and trainer. In fact, I live on a farm with nine rescues! So, I love writing about and creating awareness around the health and wellness of all animals. Find her on Linkedin. Read her latest articles Learn more about her HERE.

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