Dwarf Shrimp Trending Micro Pet – All You Need To Know

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Dwarf Shrimps have become a hot topic in the micro pet world. The dwarf shrimp has been a favorite because of its small size and attractive colors that are beyond stunning!

Here we’ll take a look at Dwarf shrimp, what they are and what they can do, who’s adopting them as pets, and why you should consider getting some too!

Key Takeaways

  • Dwarf shrimp can be kept in aquariums and ponds.
  • Dwarf shrimp have become trendy pets because they are easy to care for and do not require much maintenance.
  • These shrimps are not antagonistic to fish, and their vibrant colors pop in aquariums.

What are Dwarf Shrimp?

a cute dwarf shrimp

Dwarf shrimp are a type of freshwater crustacean that can be kept in aquariums and ponds. They are freshwater fish, but their diet is mainly composed of algae. They can grow to 2 cm in length and are usually kept in groups of about 2 to 5 individuals.

There are various species of dwarf shrimp that have colorful variants and patterns. One of the most popular species is the Cherry Shrimp “Neocaridina davidi,” which is easy to take care of [2]. Another popular specie is the Crystal Red Shrimp “ Caridina Cantonesis. 

“The variety of colors is mind-blowing, and you can modify that color through selective breeding, so they’re a trendy designer animal,” Mr. O’Brien said.

Other popular species include:

  • Dwarf Shrimp
  • Ghost or Glass Shrimp
  • Blue Shrimp
  • Long-armed Shrimp

Dwarf shrimp are herbivorous as they feed on algae and organic matter in the aquarium. They will eat dead fish in the tank or even fish food. This is an added advantage as its beneficial in breaking down organic matter in the tank.

Dwarf shrimp have become trendy pets because they are easy to care for and do not require much maintenance.

Taking Care of Dwarf Shrimps

These tiny crustaceans are fun, low maintenance, and easy to care for. Depending on the species, you will need particular water conditions, a filter, and an air pump. It would also be preferable to add a substrate and some plants.

Here are some tips on how to take care of these little shrimps:

1. The Tank

tank for dwarf shrimp

These micro pets do not require a large sized tank. A good-sized tank would be a 38Litre one. You should also ensure the tanks has good water quality by using a proper filtration system that provides adequate circulation.

Considering that these fish are small, they may get stuck in powerful filters. It’s advisable to use a filter that has a filter guard.

Dwarf Shrimps require lots of hiding places for shelter. You can use any flat rock or coral for the shrimp to hide behind when feeling threatened by other tank inhabitants. Dwarf Shrimps also like caves and crevices inside stones where they can hide.

2. Dwarf Shrimp Food

Dwarf Shrimps need to eat several times a day, so you will need to provide them with food throughout the day. 

Fresh, blanched veggies make an excellent shrimp meal. My shrimps enjoy peas, carrots, and Zucchini.

They love to eat algae and vegetables, but some people feed them flakes or pellets too. 

In moderation, you may also give frozen meals, algal pellets, and commercial fish feeds.

If you do not feed them often enough, they will get hungry, so ensure that you always have food available for your dwarf shrimp!

3. Water Quality

Another critical aspect of dwarf shrimp care is water quality. Make sure you have good quality tap water in your tank or bowl before adding any fish or shrimp.

You should also ensure that there are no harmful substances in the water—these may include chemicals from cleaning products or medications you take for health reasons.

Considering dwarf shrimp are very sensitive to water quality, you must remove any leftover food within hours to avoid rotting.

We recommend purchasing a water test kit or at least checking your tap water before adding it to your setup to know exactly what nutrients are in your tap water (which could result in algae growth).

4. Water Temperature

Almost all dwarf shrimp species prefer temperatures ranging from 21°C to 26°C. Higher temperatures accelerate the life cycle, resulting in faster growth, more excellent breeding, and a shorter life span.

What Makes These Micro Pets So Great?

These shrimps are not antagonistic to fish, and their vibrant colors pop in aquariums. They are also visually appealing as they search for algae and debris.

Here are some pros and cons to help you with the decision on whether to adopt one or not.

Require minimal maintenance. Extremely sensitive to water quality
Beautiful and aesthetically pleasing Can be Prey to larger fish, so they shouldn’t be kept together.
Breeds easily [1]
Nonaggressive to other fish
Breaks down organic matter


If you’re like me, are allergic to pet fur, and generally don’t like to clean litter, then these microcrustaceans are the pet for you.

Shrimp breeder Peter O’Brien says, “They’re very peaceful and industrious … they fight a little bit, they play a little bit … they are remarkably interesting little animals,” 

a cute dwarf shrimp

Would you like to adopt this micro pet? Let us know in the comments section!


  • 1. How To Breed Dwarf Shrimp [Internet]. www.shrimpscience.com. [cited 2022 Oct 9]. Available from: https://www.shrimpscience.com/articles/breeding-cherry-crystal-bee-shrimp/
  • 2. cherry shrimp [Internet]. entnemdept.ufl.edu. Available from: https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/MISC/cherry_shrimp.html
Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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