Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wasps, Bees, or Spiders?

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Can bearded dragons eat wasps?

Given that beardies feed on a wide range of insects all the time when outdoors, it’s a logical question.

Below, we’ll talk about whether wasps, bees, and even spiders are safe for your pet.

Let’s dive in!

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Can bearded dragons eat wasps?

No, it’s not advisable to let them hunt for wasps, and do not try to trap these insects for them.

First, ALL wild insects may also have parasites or pesticide residuals that may cause more harm to your pet’s digestive tract and overall health.

Besides the risk of exposing your beardy to parasites, a few insect species may contain venom or stings that may harm your pet- including wasps.

Based on the testimonials on forums, you’ll find many people who fed their beardies wasps and got away with it.

But I wouldn’t risk it while there’s a wide variety your beardy can choose from.

In cases where your beardy fed on a wasp accidentally, don’t fret. Just observe his reaction and feed him lots of beneficial gut-loaded insects.

My Bearded Dragon Ate A Bee – Will He Be Okay?

Like with wasps and nightcrawlers, your bearded dragon can eat a bee and still be okay. Sometimes they have swift flexes, and the bee will not have time to sting.

Even though swallowing one bee occasionally may not hurt, including bees in their diet is not advisable.

In some cases, the bees may sting inside the mouth, causing a swelling.

This doesn’t happen often since beardies, and other reptiles, have thick chitin that’s hard to penetrate. But I wouldn’t rule it out.

Observe your beardie for some time and if you notice a swelling or lethargy, contact your vet ASAP.

Some pet owners also advised soaking your pet in lukewarm water to keep him hydrated and allow the toxins to flush out easily.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ants?

Ants contain a considerable amount of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, zinc, and folic acid.

However, ants have unbalanced calcium: phosphorous ratio. Higher phosphorous levels inhibit the uptake of calcium in beardies, leading to MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease).  

Besides the high phosphorous content, ants also have a defense mechanism where they bite and release a toxic substance.

This makes them unsuitable for your bearded dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fireflies?

These attractive summer insects with a flashing abdomen could spell doom to your bearded dragon.

They contain a toxin known as lucibufagins, which is fatal to most reptiles and amphibians.

And they don’t have to feed on several of them for the venom to act. Some symptoms of lucibufagins include;

  • Trouble breathing
  • Color change
  • Regurgitation
  • Sudden death

Avoid taking your bearded dragon out if fireflies are around.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Centipedes?

Most centipede species contain toxins and may not be safe for your beardie.

According to one pet owner, if you realize your pet ate a centipede, you can detoxify him with activated charcoal or a mixture of kale, parsley, and cilantro.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Scorpions?

While some people assume that reptiles are immune to scorpions’ venom, they aren’t. A scorpion’s sting could hurt your pet.

And if they manage to evade the sting, they may have some trouble digesting the scorpion.

This could cause impaction, a fatal condition that could lead to death if not treated promptly.

 Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spiders?

There are several types of spiders. Some are poisonous, and some aren’t.

If you’ve come across several stories and videos of beardies eating spiders, those are most likely the non-poisonous species, and they don’t pose a risk to your pets.

Some of the poisonous spiders you should avoid include;

  • Black widow
  • Hobo spiders
  • Brown Recluse
  • Yellow sac spiders

Even though not all are poisonous, it’s still not advisable to feed your pet these insects.

They don’t have the necessary nutritional value, and some may transfer parasites to your beardie.

What Should You Feed Your Beardie?

Did you know that a captive-raised bearded dragon lives twice as long as a wild bearded dragon?

That’s right. The diet and habitat influence Their lifespan. Wild beardies will eat bees, wasps, scorpions, and other harmful insects, risking their lives while at it.

But once you adopt one of them as a pet, you have the chance to control what they eat and where they live.

I’ve mentioned a few insects that these pets can’t eat, but there are many others they can eat.

And you can even gut-load them with beneficial foods before feeding them to your pet. They include;

  • Crickets – These are the most common and most nutritious feeder insects for a wide range of animals. They have adequate amounts of protein, moisture, fat, calcium, and phosphorous.
  • Dubia roaches – In the list of beneficial insects, dubia roaches are a close second. Baby dragons can eat as many as they can. But due to the fat content, reduce the amount as he grows older.
  • Worms – Worms make excellent treats for beardies. Since most of them have more fat compared to other nutrients, avoiding them as a staple food.

All that said, it would help if you didn’t feed your bearded dragon’s wild-caught insects because they may get “addicted” to the taste.

As a result, if that type of insect is not available, they may refuse to eat anything else.

Besides insects, bearded dragons feed on a wide range of plants when outdoors.

So it’s important to balance their diets with lots of veggies. Those with the highest nutritional value include;

  • Swiss chard
  • Parsley
  • Chow
  • Broccoli
  • Mustard Greens
  • Bell peppers
  • Kale
  • Watercress
  • Choy

To learn more about the foods that you should feed your bearded dragon, check our newly launched e-book!

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Generally, it’s never a good idea to feed beardies wild-caught insects. Breed them yourself for some time, or purchase gut-loaded insects from a trusted store.

But wasps, bees, hornets, spiders, fireflies, and scorpions pose more danger since they have stings and venom that are harmful to your pet.

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Barry Stingmore
Barry Stingmore

Barry Stingmore is a British content writer living in Fuerteventura, Spain. An animal lover at heart, he shares his home with a dog and four rescue cats and has a passion for writing about animals big and small.

Barry loves finding answers to your animal-related questions, the more research involved the better! You can rely on him to find the facts.

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