The Ultimate Backyard Chicken Coop Building Checklist

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f you’re interested in sustainable living and fresh eggs, then building a backyard chicken coop might be the perfect project for you.

Not only will you have access to healthy, fresh eggs, but you’ll also be able to create a safe and comfortable environment for your chickens.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of building a backyard chicken coop, from planning and construction to maintenance and care.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced builder, read more to learn how to build a backyard chicken coop that meets your needs and fits your budget.

Key Takeaways:

  • Building a backyard chicken coop can be a fun and rewarding project for those interested in sustainable living and fresh eggs.
  • Planning is key when it comes to building a chicken coop, including factors such as size, location, materials, and local regulations.
  • Proper maintenance and care are essential for keeping your backyard chickens safe, healthy,  and happy.

Planning Your Coop

Planning your chicken coop is crucial for a successful and enjoyable backyard chicken-raising experience.

There are several things to keep in mind, including the size and location, local regulations, tools and materials, and chicken coop designs. (1)

chickens inside a wooden coop

Deciding on Size and Location

Deciding on the size and location of your chicken coop is an important aspect of building a successful backyard flock.

Consider the number of chickens you plan to keep and how much space they will need to roam comfortably.

Generally, your coop should provide for four square feet of space per chicken to give the chickens plenty of room. (2)

Any fewer square feet per chicken than this suggested amount will lead to potential health concerns and unhappy chickens.

Additionally, think about factors such as sunlight, shade, and ventilation when choosing the location for your coop.

Since the coop will be placed in your backyard, place it somewhere that provides shade for at least half of the day, such as under a tree or in the shadow cast by your home.

Make sure the area is protected from predators and provides easy access for cleaning and maintenance.

By carefully considering these factors, you can build a chicken coop that provides a safe and healthy environment for your chickens to thrive in.

Considering Local Regulations

When building a chicken coop, it’s important to consider any local regulations that may apply. (3)

Some areas may have zoning laws that dictate where and how chicken coops can be constructed or requirements for permits and inspections.

In addition, there may be restrictions on the number of chickens you can keep or rules regarding noise or odors.

Failure to comply with these regulations could result in fines or legal action. To avoid these issues, do your research and consult with local authorities before beginning construction.

By following the rules and building a coop that meets local regulations, you can ensure a successful and stress-free chicken-raising experience.

Selecting Materials and Tools

Selecting the right materials and tools is essential when building a chicken coop.

electric saw cutting wood

Choose sturdy materials that can withstand the elements and protect your chickens from predators, such as pressure-treated lumber, hardware cloth, and chicken wire.

You’ll also need basic tools like a saw, drill, and hammer, as well as specialized tools like a wire cutter and a staple gun. Make a tools list to keep yourself organized.

Don’t skimp on quality when selecting your materials and tools – investing in the right equipment upfront can save you time and money in the long run.

By using high-quality materials and the right tools, you can build a chicken coop that’s strong, secure, and built to last.

Creating a Blueprint

Creating a blueprint is a crucial step when building a chicken coop.

A well-thought-out plan can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you build a coop that meets your needs and budget.

Consider factors like size, layout, and materials when creating your blueprint. Draw up detailed plans that include measurements, materials lists, and step-by-step instructions.

Having a clear and detailed blueprint in place can make the building process smoother and more efficient.

Ultimately, following these detailed steps will result in a sturdy and functional chicken coop that your feathered friends will love.

Building Your Coop

There are several steps to follow closely to end up with a well-built backyard coop.

Preparing the Site

Preparing the site is a crucial step in building a successful chicken coop. Start by clearing the area of debris and ensuring that the ground is level.

cleaning backyard

If necessary, lay down a foundation of bricks, pavers, or concrete blocks to provide a stable base for your coop.

You may also want to consider adding a layer of gravel or sand to improve drainage for the coop floor and prevent water from accumulating.

By taking the time to properly prepare the site, you can ensure a sturdy and stable foundation for your chicken coop that will last for years to come.

Constructing the Frame

Constructing the frame is a critical step in building a sturdy and functional chicken coop.

Use high-quality materials like pressure-treated lumber to ensure the frame can withstand the elements and protect your chickens from predators.

Consider using pre-made framing kits for ease of assembly, or create a custom frame using your blueprint as a guide.

When constructing the frame, ensure that it is level and square to avoid any structural issues down the line.

By taking the time to construct a solid frame, you can build a chicken coop that is safe, secure, and built to last.

Adding Walls, Roof, and Doors

Adding coop walls, a roof, and coop doors is a crucial step when building a chicken coop.

Use high-quality materials like hardware cloth, chicken wire, and corrugated roof panels to provide adequate shelter and protection for your chickens.

Ensure that your walls are sturdy and securely attached to the frame to prevent predators from gaining access to your flock.

When constructing the roof, consider factors like slope and ventilation to ensure that your chickens stay dry and comfortable.

Don’t forget to add doors to provide easy access for cleaning and maintenance.

By taking the time to add walls, a roof, and doors that are strong and secure, you can build a chicken coop that provides a safe and comfortable home for your feathered friends.

Installing Windows and Ventilation

Installing windows and ventilation is a critical step when building a chicken coop.

Proper ventilation helps to regulate temperature and humidity, which is essential for the health and well-being of your chickens.

Consider adding windows to provide natural light and fresh air, or install vents to promote air circulation.

Make sure to place your ventilation holes and windows strategically to prevent drafts and protect your chickens from the elements.

Use high-quality materials like hardware cloth to cover your windows and vents and prevent predators from gaining access to your coop.

By ensuring adequate ventilation and installing windows that provide natural light and fresh air, you can create a safe and comfortable living space for your chickens.

Adding Nesting Boxes and Roosts

Adding nesting boxes and roosts is an important step when building a chicken coop.

hen laying eggs on a nest box

Nesting boxes provide a comfortable and private space for your chickens to lay their eggs, while roosts offer a place for them to perch and rest.

When adding nesting boxes, consider factors like size and placement to ensure that they are suitable for your chicken breeds.

For roosts, make sure they are positioned away from the nesting boxes to prevent the eggs from becoming soiled.

Use high-quality materials like untreated lumber or plastic to create your nesting boxes and roosts.

By adding comfortable and functional nesting boxes and roosts, you can create a cozy and inviting space for your chickens to call home.

Finally, when you have every set and ready, you can move your chickens into their new coop.

Make sure to have ample chicken feed and water ready. Just like any other pet you have, they need to be taken care of to have a happy and healthy life.

Maintaining Your Coop

beautiful chicken coop

Maintaining your chicken coop is essential to ensure the health and happiness of your feathered friends.

Regular cleaning and disinfecting can help prevent the spread of disease and parasites.

Consider adding bedding like straw or wood shavings to keep your coop clean and comfortable for your chickens.

Inspect your coop regularly for signs of wear and tear, and make repairs as needed to prevent damage and ensure that it remains safe and secure.

Finally, consider implementing a regular maintenance schedule to keep your chicken coop in top condition for years to come.

Maximize your poultry care while staying budget-friendly with our articles “Inexpensive Chicken Coops,” “How to Build a Chicken House,” and “Small Chicken Coop Plans,” – essential reads for affordable, practical solutions for housing your flock.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What materials do I need to build a chicken coop?

You’ll need high-quality materials like pressure-treated lumber, hardware cloth, chicken wire, and roofing. You also need tools like a circular saw, drill, hammer, and nails.

2. Do I need any special skills to build a chicken coop?

While some basic carpentry skills can be helpful, you don’t necessarily need any special skills to build a chicken coop.
With a good blueprint, quality materials, and patience, you can construct a functional and sturdy chicken coop.

3. How long does it take to build a chicken coop?

The amount of time it takes to build a chicken coop will depend on several factors, including the size and complexity of the coop and your level of experience.
It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to build a chicken coop from start to finish.


Building your chicken coop can be a fun and rewarding project that can provide you with fresh eggs and a great way to spend time outdoors.

By carefully planning your coop, selecting high-quality materials, and following best practices for construction, you can create a safe and comfortable home for your chickens.

Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a novice builder, with a little time and effort, you can create a coop that will provide years of enjoyment for both you and your feathered friends.

So why not start planning your chicken coop today and get ready to experience the joys of raising your backyard flock?

beautiful hen inside a coop


1. Old Farmer’s Almanac. Raising Chickens 101: How to Build a Chicken Coop [Internet]. Old Farmer’s Almanac. Available from:

‌2. Lehr A. How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? [Internet]. 2022. Available from:

3. ‌Omlet. Laws About Keeping Chickens | Chickens | Guide | Omlet US [Internet]. Available from:

Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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