What Can Live With a Bearded Dragon? (Other Ideal Pets)

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Many new bearded dragon owners are unsure of the reptile species that reside with their pets. During my first time, I had the same concerns. 

So, I decided to help all the new owners by discussing the best company you can have for your pet reptiles in detail!

Considerations in Sharing the Bearded Dragon Terrarium

While these wild animals communicate with each other, it’s essential that you, as an owner, know the most critical factors in allowing the sharing of the tank.

ALSO READ: Best Terrarium for Bearded Dragon

1. Knowing the Recommended Space

yellow bearded dragon in a correct bearded dragon cage size

It’s common for beardies to share a single enclosure only if the tank space is big enough for each beardie to roam around.

But that’s for a beardie. Worry not, though, because so long as it has its space, it can make room for other animals like Russian tortoises, leopard tortoises, nocturnal lizards, and so on.

The recommended tank size for a juvenile or a bearded baby dragon is at least 10 gallons. On the other hand, adults need a space between 25 and 50 gallons [1], so they can walk around.

Ideally, it should be at least four (4) times the length of the dragon. For other animals, know the recommended size for them being kept in captivity.

Give them ample space to save yourself a year of headaches in buying a bigger tank as your pet grows.

Check: Do Bearded Dragons Stink?

2. Maintaining Proper Hygiene

All reptiles have different and distinct hygienic practices. So, if you’re going to house more than one (1) reptile species, their hygiene needs to be on point as well.

And when I mean hygiene, it’s not just about the hygiene of your beardie; I’m talking about cage hygiene, too.

Dirty cages can appear fast if you house more than one (1) beardie in the enclosure. This is why I built a personal habit of doing spot cleaning once every eight (8) hours, which I also recommend you do.

It’s simply the wiping of water droplets, taking out of uneaten food, light cleaning spots with stains, taking out the water dish, and other light work.  

3. Setting Up Multiple Basking Spots

Your beardie needs to bask to raise its body temperature and dissipate heat accordingly [2], and other reptile species might not need it.

Therefore, you’ll need a heating lamp positioned strategically to the tank.

This is where a large tank will come in handy; it’ll be challenging to build gradient temperatures within the enclosure if the space is small.

At first, I didn’t even know what basking was! After reading tons of stuff about caring for your pet beardie properly, I just learned about it!

4. Adding the Needed Materials/Equipment

Don’t be the boring owner –give your pets some fun! Add heating or UV lamps for basking, rocks and stones, soil, branches, and many other things that signify their natural habitat.

5. Considering the Gender (For Bearded Dragons)

two beardies facing each other but what can live with a bearded dragon aside from themselves?

Last but most definitely not least is by considering the gender. Please take my advice and refrain from putting two (2) male beardies in a single tank for safety purposes.

They’ll most likely fight and claw off at each other. They’re territorial creatures, and they don’t like an alpha sitting right next to them. 

Two (2) female bearded dragons will be safe with one another, as well as a male and female. There’s even a high chance that adult reptiles mate when they’re left together in a single enclosure.

READ MORE: What Bearded Dragon Items Should You Get?

What Pets Can Live With a Bearded Dragon?

Your beardie is a solitary animal! It wouldn’t usually need company as it can live on its own. But you might have considered putting in a second adult bearded dragon in the tank to save space.

The following are other animals your adult or baby bearded dragon can live with:

1. Other Bearded Dragons

I mean, who doesn’t want company?

a pair of female and male bearded dragon deserves to get some bearded dragon pair names that are perfect for them

Even if your beardie is a guaranteed solitary animal, it will never complain about having company every once in a while.

Here’s a video that outlines what you need to look out for when filling bearded dragon habitats with more than one (1) beardie.

Before doing it, though, make sure that: 

  • They’re still young.
  • The hides are enough for two (2) beardies.
  • There are multiple basking spots.
  • There’s plenty of space for them to roam around (many activities).

2. Different Lizard Species

And who said that their soon-to-be companions are only limited to their kind? Yes, you can have them stay with different lizard species, too!

You’ll never believe it, but I’ve witnessed a lot of reptiles living with different types of animals. Yes, you read that right –animals! Not just fellow snakes.

To clarify, though, you can keep them company by sending in nocturnal lizards, monitor lizards, and other pet lizards that are neither predators nor preys.

3. Other Reptile Species

I initially thought they were like any other domestic animals that can be grouped in a single bearded dragon terrarium, but that’s not the case.

In my experience, I found that my first-ever male adult bearded dragon preferred solitude to have company. But I keep him with his friends sometimes, too, so they can chitchat.

Nevertheless, this is not something that restricts you to house other domesticated animals (that are safe) with your bearded dragon.

To make it easier for you, the ideal partners your bearded dragons can have within its enclosure are those that are safe. Safe, meaning they’re not a threat to your beardie and vice versa.

When Putting Another Animal Inside the Tank is Not a Good Idea

There are certain instances where placing another animal inside bearded dragon habitats isn’t the best idea. These situations include, but are not limited to:

  • When the tank or the enclosure is too small to accommodate more than one beardie.
  • If your pet lizards are already too old.
  • If your hides aren’t enough to cater to more than one (1) reptile.

These are the instances and situations where it’s not ideal for placing more than one (1) bearded dragon or animal inside the tank.

There are many things to learn about sharing bearded dragon tank enclosures, and if you think that the information above is insufficient, here are some other commonly asked questions by users!

READ MORE: Building a Bearded Dragon Enclosure


Do Bearded Dragons Need Companions?

No, bearded dragons don’t require companions so they can live a happy and peaceful life. Most of the time, they like to be alone doing their daily routines without anyone scratching their backs!

Can Bearded Dragons Live Together?

batch of baby bearded dragons

Yes, two (2) bearded dragons can live together, so long as it’s female and female or female and male. Two (2) male adult dragons can make them grow agitated and aggressive.

Can Bearded Dragons Get Along With Other Animals?

Yes, your pet beardie can effectively get along with other animals as long as they’re well-behaved. They are friendly and docile creatures and will only show aggression once they feel agitated.  

Can You Keep a Tortoise With a Bearded Dragon?

Yes, you can keep a tortoise and a bearded dragon in the same enclosure.
You don’t have to go through many harsh experiences like how I experienced in my first time owning a bearded dragon.

In Conclusion,

If you have another adult dragon or reptile-like nocturnal geckos and leopard geckos, blue tongue skinks, and others, you now know if you can place and let them live with your beardie!

Never worry about what you’ll be placing inside your bearded dragon tank set up to live with your beardie ever again! Give them proper care by religiously following this guide! 


  • 1. Caring for Your Pet Bearded Dragon [Internet]. Available from: https://cvm.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Caring-for-your-Bearded-Dragon.pdf
  • 2. Bearded dragons [Internet]. Animals. 2019. Available from: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/facts/bearded-dragon#:~:text=A%20warm%20habitat%20is%20crucial
what can live with a bearded dragon? kid holding a lizard

What companion do you have for your bearded dragon? Let us know below!

Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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