What Fruit Can Budgies Eat? Extensive List & Nutrition Tips

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Not all fruits can be eaten by budgies, so what fruit can budgies eat?

After all, there is no denying that fruits are an essential part of a budgie’s diet since an all-seed diet is not the healthiest thing for them to eat.

On the downside, fruits are high in fructose, which is a sugar, so you have to be picky about the fruits you give to your budgie.

If you know what fruit to feed your budgie, you would have gotten a huge part of the answer on how to care for a budgie.

So dive in and find out more about what fruit benefits your pet budgies.

READ MORE: How Do Budgies Mate?

Why Do You Need to Add Fruit to Your Budgie’s Diet?

bird eating fruit

While we often joke about bird seeds and eventually are made to think that bird seeds are the only thing birds ever need to eat, you will probably be surprised to find out that this is farthest from the truth. 

Birds and budgies need different nutritious foods to get a balanced diet. Wild budgies can forage for food items that can fit their daily needs.

Pet budgies are different.

While budgie seed mixes from pet stores may provide most of the essentials needed by your budgie in terms of nutrition, they still lack a lot in terms of required vitamins and minerals.

As a result, caged budgies do not live as long as they should. Recently, it is being advised that at least 40% of your diet should be made of fresh food with fruits being one of them.

Fruits are, therefore, added to the diet to make up for the loss of vitamins and minerals in a purely seed-based diet. 

ALSO READ: How to Tame a Budgie

What Supplements Are Needed in a Budgie’s Diet?

protein and amino acid

There are several nutrients lacking in the different types of seeds [1] for budgies.

A diet relying solely on different seeds may not be enough for your budgie, hence the need to supplement them with fruits to provide whatever is missing in the diet.

A good source of protein is highly recommended in a budgie’s diet.

Aside from that, minerals and amino acids that need to be supplemented contribute significantly to a budgie’s health.


calcium based foods

One of the most overlooked minerals necessary in a bird’s diet [2]is calcium. It is essential for adequately functioning muscles in a bird. It also is vital for the transmission of nerve impulses.

It also plays a role in blood clotting and maintaining a bird’s heart rate.

Calcium is also an essential mineral needed to form bone and eggshells. 

Giving fruits high in calcium is one way of making up for the lack of calcium in your budgie’s seed mixture.


Glycine based foods

Glycine is an amino acid that contributes to the long-term growth of your budgie.

In a study made by Taylor et al. and published in the Journal of Nutrition, birds whose diets were supplemented with dietary glycine showed better long-term growth than those without these supplements. [3]

Vitamin A

vitamin a based foods

All-seed diets greatly lack Vitamin A.  Vitamin A is needed to maintain the topmost layer of tissue in organs such as the lungs called the mucosa.

Lack of Vit. A leads to imbalances [4] resulting in sinus and respiratory infections due to poor maintenance of the mucosal layer.

Vitamin D

vitamin d based foods

Sufficient levels of Vitamin D also need to be maintained for calcium to be absorbed appropriately by your budgie’s body.

To meet whatever deficiencies there are in their daily diet, there are a bunch of fresh fruits that you can give your pet budgie that can serve as an occasional treat for him.

List of Fruits Budgies Can Eat

Now that you are conversant with the vital supplements needed for the proper growth of your pet birds, here are the 8 fruits that are best for them.

1. Oranges and Tangerines

bird eating orange

These fruits are a great source of calcium and Vit. C is perfect for making up for any lack of calcium in your budgie’s diet.

These fruits contain a good amount of water too! These are perfect for your budgie to have on warm days when your bird greatly needs hydration.

2. Bananas

bird eating bananas

These are rich in fiber and proteins, which are both an essential part of a budgie’s diet. You need to peel them and place them on a plate.

They are soft enough for your bird to feast on without much of a problem.

3. Kiwis

Kiwis are rich in Vitamin C and calcium, suitable to address any lack in this vitamin and mineral. Remove the peel and cut them up.

Serve them on a plate for your bird to enjoy.

4. Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, and Blackberries)

bird eating blueberries

These are rich in antioxidants needed as precursors for vitamins like Vitamin A. These are also rich in Vitamin C and calcium.

The best thing about berries is that they are low in calories, so they won’t cause much increase in your budgie’s weight, so your budgie won’t end up obese or overweight.

You need not worry about the seeds of strawberries since birds can eat them without a problem.

5. Melons

Melons are good sources of fiber, and they are also low in calories, unlike other fruits. You can cut them up and put them on a plate for your budgie to enjoy.

6. Mangoes

bird eating mangoes

Mangoes are rich in fiber and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is needed since this is a precursor for Vitamin A, a vitamin not usually seen in mixed seeds.

Cutting them up and putting them on a plate or skewer are good ways of serving them to your budgie.

7. Apples

Fresh apples provide a good amount of fiber, as well as vitamin K and potassium. 

Any variety of apples is okay, and they can be given with or without their skin.

8. Grapes

bird eating grapes

Grapes are also a good treat for budgies since they provide a good amount of Vitamin C to your budgie’s diet.

Fruits Budgies Should Not Eat

what to avoid

While most fruits do contain a good amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that should be included in your budgie’s diet, not all of them are good for you to give to your budgie.

Some have to be avoided, while some should be given in limited amounts.

To be Avoided

  • Avocados should not be given to birds, including budgies. Avocados may contain toxins that are bad for your budgie [5].
  • Lemons, limes, and grapefruits are highly acidic and may cause stomach upset in your budgie.

Be careful when feeding your budgie with apples, cherries, and stone fruit.

Apple seeds, fruit pits such as those of cherries,  and stone fruit seeds may cause digestive problems in your budgie if given by accident.

Make sure that you do not mistake feeding them to your budgie.

Things to Remember When Feeding Your Budgie With Fresh Fruit

washing a fruit

Remember always to wash the fruit you give to your budgies as they may contain toxic chemicals from pesticides that may have been sprayed on the fruit.

Never give food that you have bitten into. 

Remember that the fruit you give out is fresh, so any uneaten food should be thrown out after a few hours to avoid food poisoning in your bird.

Teaching Your Budgie to Eat Fruits

woman trying to teach something

Although budgies will generally eat any food, you still might have to teach your budgie how to eat certain kinds of fruit. 

  • Try eating the same fruit in front of your budgie. Your budgie usually learns from you, so seeing what you eat will entice him to eat it too.
  • Try sticking pieces of fruit in between the grills of the birdcage. Find out what your bird likes in his cage and place the fruits beside those things to spark your bird’s curiosity.
  • Try feeding your bird using your fingers. Give the fruit to your bird, especially if you’ve earned his trust. 
  • Pretend your budgie is a little child that you’re trying to feed. Put the fruit on a skewer and play games with your bird like you would a child to tempt him to try out the fruit.
  • Cut the fruit into tiny pieces and try mixing the fruit with other food so he can eat them along with the seeds.

This video shows much of the food that we have recommended and ways to feed your budgie.


How often should budgies eat fruit?

Fruit should be treated as a treat since they contain a large amount of sugar, which isn’t suitable for your budgie. Sugars will make your budgie gain a lot of weight, so it would be best not to give them too much fruit.

What other things do I need to think of when caring for my budgie besides their food?

bird drinking water

It would be best if you thought of grooming and giving your budgie a good supply of clean water. Giving him a big enough cage for him to move in is also part of budgie’s care.
You can click here to check how to choose an ideal bird cage size for your budgie.

Keeping Everything in a Balance

If there is one reason you should be giving your budgie a variety of foods, it’s to make sure that all nutritional needs are kept in a good balance.

To keep your budgie healthy, you have to make sure that he takes in a reasonable amount of essential nutrients. And don’t forget to offer fresh water too. 

This means that you should not rely only on fruits to provide these.

It would be best if you also fed your budgie other types of fresh food like hard-boiled eggs, leafy vegetables, and different kinds of vegetables like potatoes and carrots should also be part of your budgie’s diet.

If you keep everything in a balance, then you are sure to have a happy and healthy budgie for years to come.

Can Budgies Eat Fruits Often


What fruit can budgies eat? Let us know your opinion below!

  • 1. Harrison G. Adapted from: Twenty Years of Progress in Pet Bird Nutrition Originally. JAVMA [Internet]. 1998 [cited 2022 Jan 18];212. Available from: http://avianmedicine.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/43years.pdf
  • 2. Ryan TP. Calcium – The Misunderstood Mineral. AFA Watchbird [Internet]. 1985 [cited 2022 Jan 18];12:6–7. Available from: https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2355
  • 3. Taylor EJ, Nott HMR, Earle KE. Dietary Glycine: Its Importance in Growth and Development of the Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). The Journal of Nutrition [Internet]. 1994 [cited 2019 Nov 20];124:2555S2558S. Available from: https://academic.oup.com/jn/article-abstract/124/suppl_12/2555S/4730667
  • 4. Sakas Dvm P. Vitamin A Imbalances [Internet]. Available from: https://nilesanimalhospital.com/files/2012/05/Vitamin-A-Deficiency-in-Pet-Birds.pdf
  • 5. Three Household Items Toxic to Birds [Internet]. Veterinary Medicine at Illinois. [cited 2022 Jan 18]. Available from: https://vetmed.illinois.edu/pet-health-columns/bird-toxins-teflon-avocado-lead-zinc/#:~:text=Avocados%20contains%20persin%2C%20which%20is
Barry Stingmore
Barry Stingmore

Barry Stingmore is a British content writer living in Fuerteventura, Spain. An animal lover at heart, he shares his home with a dog and four rescue cats and has a passion for writing about animals big and small.

Barry loves finding answers to your animal-related questions, the more research involved the better! You can rely on him to find the facts.

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