The 4 Most Nutritious Sugar Glider Food Recipes

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Looking for the most nutritious sugar glider food recipes ever?

Below, we’re checking out the top 4 expert-recommended sugar glider food list and meals that just right for your exotic new pet.

We’ll include the recipes, along with resources to help you get the most out of them!

Let’s get started!

You may also love: 10 Insanely Adorable Sugar Glider Gifts for Humans & Pets! 

Looking for the most nutritious sugar glider food recipes ever? Check out the top 4 expert-recommended meals that just right for your glider!

The 4 Most Nutritious Sugar Glider Food Recipes

Among the most critical things every sugar glider parent needs to know is the correct diet for their gliders.

I never knew anyone who owned a sugar glider when I got mine, and I was so confused about the best diet for them.

Sugar gliders can be a bit fussy when it comes to food, so it’s crucial that you get their recipes right.

The Spruce pet and a few sugar glider sites really came in handy when getting the recipes.

I also checked on social media sugar glider lovers communities to see what they were feeding their sugar gliders to be sure of the recipes.

Here are the must-know recipes of every sugar glider parent.

Looking for the most nutritious sugar glider food recipes ever? Check out the top 4 expert-recommended meals that just right for your glider!

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ALSO READ: Why is My Sugar Glider so Fat?

1.BML Diet for Sugar Gliders 

The Bourbon’s Modified Leadbeater’s sugar glider diet (BML)can easily be fixed at home.

It’s a close substitute for the original Leadbeater’s Diet.

Most of the original diet ingredients were not available in the American market, hence the need for innovation.

Be very careful before substituting any ingredients in the recipes because gliders can be a bit picky.  

Here’s a quick overview of the BML sugar glider diet recipe



  • Blend the egg, honey, and apple juice until you achieve a smooth blend
  • Add blue-labeled vitamin supplement and the Gerber juice in the blender and blend it to achieve a smooth mixture.
  • Add the wheat germ, chicken baby food, dry baby cereal, and the pink-labeled Rep-Cal.
  • Blend again until smooth
  • Pour your mixture into your ice cube tray (halfway to every compartment) and freeze it. 
  • Remove frozen cubes at least an hour before feeding, so it melts.

Note that the BML diet should be supplemented with vegetables.

If you choose to use frozen vegetables, remove them together with the ice cube.

You can feed your glider with fresh fruits, mealworms, or treats during the day if they’re hungry.

That said, the BML diet is a complete meal, and it should keep them through the day.

Here’s a video on how to make one provided below. It’s surely one of those organic sugar glider treats!

CHECK: Adorable Sugar Glider Eating Video

2. The Pet Glider Diet (TPG)/ Priscilla Price Diet (PP Diet)

I love this diet because TPG diet for sugar gliders can play along with the recipe by substituting fruits and vegetables to give my glider something different. 


  • 2 cups of fresh or frozen fruits
  • 2 cups of fresh or frozen vegetables
  • 6-8 ounces of plain (full fat) yogurt 
  • 6 tablespoons of concentrated calcium-fortified orange juice 
  • 6-8 tablespoons of uncooked oatmeal
  • 4 cups of unsweetened applesauce
  • 6-8 ounces of protein.
  • 1-2 tablespoon of wheat germ or ground flax seed

You can use any of the following fruits:

Papayas, tangerines, mangos, bananas, cantaloupes, peaches, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, and pineapples

Make sure you use at least four types of fruits, though. As for veggies, these are the best options:   

Kales, green beans, potatoes, peas, carrots, lima beans, jicama, squash, bok choy, jicama, snow peas, red bell pepper, sweet potatoes, and collards

Again, use at least four different types of vegetables for every recipe.

For the protein, try eggs, turkey, or chicken.


  •   Using a processor, chop your vegetables and fruits. If you don’t have a processor, be sure to cut them into tiny pieces.
  • Cook your proteins
  • Mix all ingredients (except oatmeal) until they’re mixed thoroughly.
  • Add oatmeal to your mix to get a cake consistency kind of mixture (not too thick or runny)
  • Freeze your mixture and add 1/8 tablespoon of multivitamins and calcium powder for each glider with each serving. 

3. The Pocket’s Modified Leadbeater’s Mix (PML)

If you’re in a hurry and need to fix something for your gliders, this is probably your to-go recipe. It’s short and super easy.


•    13/4 cup of water

•    13/4 cup of honey 

•    2 hard boiled/shelled eggs 

•    30 grams of Wombaroo High Protein Supplement


•    Place your water in a microwave-safe bowl and heat for two minutes

•    Add honey to the warm water and stir until it disappears

•    Using a food processor, blend your honey & water mixture and blend with the egg to get a uniform mixture.

•    Add Wombaroo high protein supplement and continue blending for one minute.

•    Freeze your mixture

When feeding your glider the PML Diet – only give them 50% of the diet and supplement it with 1-2 tablespoons of fruits/vegetables. 

4. Original High Protein Wombaroo Diet (OHPW)

The MPL sugar glider diet actually inspired the OHPW, and it’s straightforward to make too.



  • Cook your eggs in the microwave (stop and stir every 30 seconds until they’re cooked)
  •  Mix water and honey to get a uniform mixture
  • Add your HPW powder and continue to stir. 
  • Put 1 cup of HPW mixture, bee pollen, eggs, and blend for two minutes. 
  • Add your first mixture and blend for two minutes. 
  • Pour in an airtight container and store in the freezer. When feeding your gliders, add 1 tablespoon of fruits and vegetables for each glider.

Best Sugar Glider Food Recipes (Final Words)

Deciding on the best meal for your sugar glider can be a daunting task.

Every diet has its faults.

Please go through each food recipe’s pros and cons and decide which one works best for you and your gliders.

Most important of all, consult with a vet that has experience in working with exotic pets to determine the best overall diet.

Are you a glider parent? What are your picks for the best sugar glider food recipes? Share below!

Sylvia K
Sylvia K

Sylvia is passionate about sugar gliders and guinea pigs!