Can Rats Eat Pineapple? Is it Good for Them?

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Fruits are delicious and come in all different sizes, shapes, and tastes. The majority of fruit is high in natural sugars and water content, especially pineapple. Before feeding your rats pineapple, you might be wondering whether it is safe for them to consume.

Can Rats Eat Pineapple? Female and male rats can both eat pineapple. Since pineapple is very high in natural sugars and water content it should be treated as a treat and given to them in small amounts.

You need to be extremely careful about which fruits you feed your rats, as citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits can trigger kidney problems in male rats (although it is fine for female rats).

Sticky foods can also clog a rat’s jaw which can lead to them choking.

Related: Can Rats Eat Cucumber?

Can Rats Eat Pineapple?

a rat eating pineapple, can rats eat pineapple safely?

Pineapple is safe to feed to male and female rats but should be fed in small amounts as it contains a very high amount of natural sugars that can be dangerous for them to consume in larger quantities.

Pineapple also has a high amount of water content that can give your rat diarrhea if overfed.

Pineapple seeds, leaves, and skin should be removed before being fed to your rat as it will be hard for them to digest.

Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges should never be fed to male rats as they can cause serious kidney problems due to having certain proteins in their kidneys.

Although it is safe to feed to female rats it is best to avoid them as they are extremely acidic and could be bad if they were to consume them.

There are other fruits you can feed your pet rat, so If you’re concerned about feeding pineapple to your female or male rat you can always feed them something else (see list near the bottom of this page).

Make sure to check our list of the best rat food!

Preparing Pineapple for Your Rat

Before feeding pineapple to your rat, you need to properly prepare the fruit so that it is safe and easy for them to consume.

a men is trying to feed pineapple to his rat, can rats eat pineapple?

The most important part about preparing pineapple is to make sure there are no seeds, skin, or leaves left on the fruit and it is cut into small chunks.

You first need to top and tail your pineapple by cutting off the top leafy part and the bottom part.

Then you need to remove all the skin from the pineapple by carefully cutting it off with a knife.

Next, you can put the pineapple on its side and cut it into slices. There’s plenty of videos on youtube that demonstrate how to cut up a pineapple if you get stuck.

Now you need to cut the pineapple up into very small chunks that are suitable sizes to give to your rat.

Before giving it to your rat, make sure there are no seeds, skin, or leaves left on the pineapple.

The fruit is now ready to feed to your rat.

Take a look at this video of a rat testing pineapple:

Pineapple is a Treat: Feed-in Moderation

Remember, pineapple isn’t something you should be feeding to your rat daily.

Pineapple should only be fed to your rat a couple of times per week at max and in very small amounts at a time. Treat it just like any other treat that you may feed to your rat.

Overfeeding your rat with pineapple can cause numerous health concerns such as diarrhea.

If your rat gets diarrhea, that’s a good sign you’re overfeeding them and you need to immediately stop feeding them treats. Diarrhea can cause dehydration which can lead to death if it goes on for too long.

Benefits of PineApple: Are They Good for Rats?

Pineapple contains a number of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B-6 as well as sodium, potassium, iron, and magnesium (and more), which makes it a good treat to feed to your rat.

The other downside of pineapple is that it can be quite acidic and contains a very high amount of sugar and water content.

When fed to your rat in small amounts it is a great treat to give them.

Can Rats Eat Dried Pineapple?

Dried pineapple is safe to feed to your rat as long as all seeds, leaves, and skin have been removed.

When it comes to dried fruits, the only ones you need to be careful of are fruits that are either sticky or are citrusy such as oranges and lemons.

Sticky dried fruit such as dates can become a choking hazard. Rats don’t have any gag reflex so you need to be careful what types of foods you feed them and whether they can get stuck in your rat’s throat.

Can Rats Eat Pineapple Skin?

a men is trying to feed pineapple skin to rat, can rats eat pineapple skin?

Pineapple skin should not be fed to your rat as it may be hard for them to consume due to how rough it is. It could also be a choking hazard.

The skin of pineapple may also still contain pesticides which would be unsafe for rats to consume.

It is recommended that you remove the skin from the pineapple before you feed it to your rat.

Can Rats Eat Pineapple Leaves?

Just like the pineapple skin, pineapple leaves should also be removed due to how they are. It may be a choking hazard for your rat.

The leaves of pineapple may also still contain pesticides which would be unsafe for rats to consume.

It is recommended that you remove the leaves from the pineapple before you feed it to your rat.

Can Rat Eat Pineapple Seeds?

You should remove all seeds from the pineapple before feeding them to your rat.

Pits from some fruit should not be fed to rats as they are a hazard (especially pumpkin seeds as they are very high in fat content).

What Other Fruits Can Rats Eat? Alternatives

Pineapples can be quite acidic and sugary which may put you off giving it to your rat.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of other safe fruit alternatives that can be given to your rat as a treat.

Before giving any of these treats to your rat, make sure you’ve properly sized them by cutting them up and have washed them underwater properly. This makes sure all the pesticides and removed.

  • Apples – Rats can eat apples but make sure you remove all the seeds as they are a hazard
  • Bananas – Some rats love bananas
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries – Can be a little messy at times but lots of rats love them
  • Cherries
  • Grapes – Rats love green and purple grapes. Purple grapes have also been known to prevent cancer growth in rats
  • Kiwi
  • Peaches – Remove the pits/seeds before giving them to your rat as they can be a hazard
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries – A great healthy rat and easily accessible at supermarkets
  • Watermelon – High in water content so feed in small amounts

What Other Vegetables Can Rats Eat? (Alternatives)

Vegetables can be a great healthy treat for your rat. Vegetables are also much lower in sugar and water content compared to fruits.

Before giving any of these treats to your rat, make sure you’ve properly sized them by cutting them up and have washed them underwater properly. This makes sure all the pesticides and removed.

Here’s a list of our favorite vegetables that are safe for rats to consume:

  • Carrots – Carrots are a great healthy treat for your rat. Make sure you’ve chopped them up to an appropriate size and have washed them. They can be given to your rat boiled, baked or raw. Read our complete guide about “Can Rats Eat Carrots?”
  • Cabbage – You can cook cauliflower by boiling it a pot of water until it’s soft enough to eat. You should avoid feeding your rat red cabbage is it is a health concern but normal cabbage is safe for rats to eat.
  • Cooked Cauliflower
  • Chicory
  • Peppers – Sweet peppers have a high vitamin C content and can served both raw and cooked. You should avoid chili peppers.
  • Cress
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Broad Beans

It’s important to not overfeed vegetables to your rats as some veg such as brussel sprouts and cabbage can cause a build-up of gas and can be a health concern. It is also recommended to cook vegetables first.


Can rats eat fresh apricots?

Fresh apricots are safe for rats to consume and are high in vitamin C, beta carotenes, and antioxidants which can help a rat’s health and reduce inflammation. Dried apricots should be avoided as they are often treated with sulfur to preserve them and are unsafe for rats.

Can rats eat raw pumpkins?

a car eating pumpkin, can rat eating pumpkin

Raw pumpkin is safe for rats to consume and is very high in fiber which can help treat diarrhea.

Can rats eat peaches?

Peaches can be fed to rats in small amounts as it is very high in sugar. Make sure you remove the stone before offering them to your rat

a rat is eating pineapple

Can rats eat pineapple? Have you tried feeding it to your pet? Please share with us below!

Alina Hartley
Alina Hartley

Alina Hartley is a small-town girl with a ginormous love of bearded dragons. It all started with Winchester, a baby bearded who was abandoned at the shelter by his former owners because of a birth defect that caused one front leg to be shorter than the other. Alina originally went to the shelter looking for a guinea pig, but one look at Winchester and it was love at first sight. From that day on, Alina has dedicated her life to learning everything she can about bearded dragons. She loves helping new beardie parents start their incredible journey with these magnificent reptiles.
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