Can Bearded Dragons Eat Parsley? (Is it Good For Them?)

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My dragons are everything to me, and I want to make sure they are safe when I give them new treats and snacks. I wanted to know, can bearded dragons eat parsley?

The good news is that bearded dragons can eat parsley, and it’s really high in calcium which is great for their bone health as well as the development of baby beardies. You just have to make sure you only give them a small amount because parsley is high in oxalates.

Allow me to explain everything you need to know about adding parsley to your beardie’s diet.

Check: The List Of Veggies For Beardies

Key Takeaways:

  • Bearded dragons can eat parsley in moderation.
  • Parsley is a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Parsley is high in oxalates which can cause health problems.

Is Parsley Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Parsley is a leafy green vegetable that is often used as a garnish. It is high in vitamins and minerals and can help to IMPROVE your bearded dragon’s digestion.

However, you should only feed parsley to your bearded dragon in moderation, as it is HIGH in oxalates which can cause health problems if consumed in large quantities.

Pro Tip: When feeding parsley to your bearded dragon, be sure to wash it thoroughly and chop it into small pieces to prevent choking.

How Much Parsley Can Bearded Dragons Have and How Often?

parsley for bearded dragon, can bearded dragons eat parsley

Parsley is not a bearded dragon’s natural diet, so it should only be given as a TREAT. A safe amount of parsley for bearded dragons is 1-2 leaves per week (or month, depending on your preference and diet).

When you give your bearded dragon parsley for the first time, keep an eye on them to make sure they handle it well, as they all have different needs.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Have Parsley?

Baby bearded dragons and juvenile bearded dragons need A LOT of calcium in their diets in order to grow and develop properly. [2]

Therefore, parsley is a great treat as long as they only have a small amount mixed in with their food as a treat.

Pro Tip: Since parsley is HIGH in oxalates, you will want to ensure your baby beardie doesn’t have too much of it in their system to prevent them from becoming sick.

What Are the Benefits of Parsley for Bearded Dragons?

There are quite a few benefits to giving your beardie some parsley as a little snack, and the ADVANTAGES to health that comes with this herb are pretty good. [1]

1. Vitamin A and C

These are two of the most IMPORTANT nutrients for bearded dragons, as they are essential for a bearded dragon’s immune system, skin, and eyesight.

Parsley is an excellent source of both of these vitamins, which makes it a great vegetable to add to your bearded dragon’s diet.

2. Calcium

As we mentioned before, bearded dragons need a LOT of calcium in their diet to grow properly. While most bearded dragon foods are high in calcium, parsley is a great way to add even more of this essential mineral to their diet.

3. Protein

Parsley is also a GOOD SOURCE of protein, which is essential for bearded dragons. Protein helps them to grow muscle and maintain a healthy weight.

4. Fiber

Parsley is a great source of fiber, which can help bearded dragons with their digestion.

Bearded dragons tend to have a lot of PROBLEMS with their digestion, so any food that can help them to process their food better is a good addition to their diet.

5. Vitamin K

Vitamin K is IMPORTANT for bearded dragons because it helps their blood to clot. This vitamin is especially important for baby bearded dragons, as they are more likely to suffer from injuries.

6. Free From Sugar

One of the best things about parsley is that it is FREE FROM SUGAR. Bearded dragons should not have any sugar in their diet, as it can lead to health problems.

Parsley is a great way to add some extra vitamins and minerals to your bearded dragon’s diet without having to worry about them getting too much sugar.

What are the Risks of Parsley for Bearded Dragons?

There is only really ONE risk that comes with giving beardies parsley, and it’s a pretty big one. In fact, it’s the reason why you need to LIMIT the amount of parsley in their diet.


Parsley is HIGH in oxalates, which can cause health problems if bearded dragons consume too much of it.

Oxalates bind to calcium in the body and PREVENT it from being absorbed, which can lead to health problems such as calcium deficiency and kidney stones.

As a result, they can develop metabolic bone disease, and this is also why a baby bearded dragon needs to be especially careful when being fed parsley flakes or standard parsley leaves.

Pro Tip: It’s important to only give bearded dragons parsley in moderation and to make sure they are getting enough calcium from other sources.

Also Read: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cauliflower?


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Parsley?

dried parsley, can bearded dragons eat parsley

Yes, bearded dragons can eat dried parsley. Dried parsley is more likely to contain oxalates than fresh parsley, so it’s important to be extra careful when feeding it to your bearded dragon.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cilantro?

Cilantro is a type of parsley, so bearded dragons can technically eat it. However, cilantro contains more oxalates than Parsley, so it’s best to give it to your bearded dragon in limited amounts.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Parsley Root?

Parsley root is a type of parsnip, so bearded dragons can technically eat it. However, parsley roots contain more oxalates than parsley, so it’s best to give it to your bearded dragon in limited amounts.


Parsley is a GREAT way to add some extra vitamins and minerals to your bearded dragon’s diet. However, it’s important to only give bearded dragons parsley in moderation, as it is HIGH in oxalates.

When feeding your bearded dragon’s parsley, wash it thoroughly and chop it into small pieces. You can even mix it into the rest of your dragon’s salad mix for a really nice snack.

If you want to learn more about the different snacks you can (and can’t) feed your beardie, make sure you check out the rest of my guides.

baby bearded dragons,bearded dragons eat parsley

Did you ever feed parsley to your bearded dragon? Let us know in the comments how it goes!


  • 1. Zamarripa M. 8 Impressive Health Benefits and Uses of Parsley [Internet]. Healthline. Healthline Media; 2019. Available from:
  • 2. G A B Oonincx D, Bosch G. Blood vitamin D3 metabolite concentrations of adult female bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) remain stable after ceasing UVb exposure [Internet]. Available from:


Grigorina grew up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped her into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). She has two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but she also feeds her neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them. Follow her on FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM
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